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how to buy Lurasidone onlineSherman in Atlanta equated doom for traitors doing business in Georgia. When General Sherman occupied Atlanta, Georgia in 1864, he demanded that all citizens leave the city within twelve days. It really didn’t matter whether their sympathies were southern or northern, everyone had to vacate the city limits.

A citizen requested an audience with Sherman to plead for the protection of his property and businesses in Atlanta. He explained to the General that he had only been in Georgia 7 years, that he was a native of Connecticut and was a northern sympathizer. The businessman owned several blocks of warehouses downtown, a plantation on the edge of the city and a foundry.

“A foundry? What have you been manufacturing at the foundry? asked Sherman.

“Castings”; answered the businessman.

“Castings, for shot and shell? queried the General.

“Yes, some shot and shell.” the businessman answered meekly.

General Sherman stated indignantly; ” You have been making shot and shell to destroy your country? You still claim favor on account of being a northern man? I will make an exception in your case sir, you shall go south tomorrow at sunrise. Adjutant, see that this order is carried out and show this man the door.”

The businessman pleaded; “General, can’t I go north?”

General Sherman flatly stated; ” No sir, we have enough of your type already!


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