how to buy Lurasidone onlineGeneral Sherman, after occupation, demanded that all civil functions return to normal in Memphis, Tennessee and that included Presidential Prayers. Sherman decreed that all businesses, shops, schools and churches would immediately resume normal schedules.
A member of the Episcopalian clergy requested an audience with Sherman to seek his advise regarding the congregation’s prayers for President Jefferson Davis. The minister wondered if presidential prayers for the Confederate leader were appropriate under the current circumstances. General Sherman caught the man’s inference, knowing that if he ordered the congregation to pray for President Lincoln, he would in essence create a martyr of the Episcopalian Minister.
Sherman thought a moment and then replied;
“Whom do you regard as your President?
“President Davis.” the minister replied.
” Very well, pray for Jeff Davis if you wish. He needs your prayers badly. It will take a great deal of praying to save him.” stated Sherman.
The leader of the clergy, feeling relieved asked, “Then I will not be compelled to pray for Mr. Lincoln?
“Oh no, President Lincoln is a good man and doesn’t need your prayers, but if you feel like praying for him fine, there is no compulsion.” replied General Sherman.
And so it was, that the following Sunday the congregation modified their service, not mentioning presidential prayers, replacing it with, “all in authority.”
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