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how to buy Lurasidone onlineGeneral Sherman met with General Johnston and a thirsty, Major General Breckinridge to discuss terms of surrender. Sherman and Johnston, personal friends before the war, had decided the previous day to include Breckinridge, who Johnston addressed as the Confederate Secretary of War.

General Sherman was indignant stating;”Secretary of War!  No, no, we don’t recognize any civil government among you fellows. No, I don’t want any Secretary of War.” General Johnston retorted; ” Well, he is also a Major General in the Confederate Army, is there any objection to his presence in that capacity?” Sherman responded; ” Well, also a Major General, any major general you bring, I shall be glad to meet, but no Secretary of War.”

where to buy Lurasidone onlineThe following day General Joseph E. Johnston, Major General John C. Breckinridge and staff arrived early at the rendezvous. Breckinridge had a notorious reputation as a heavy drinker and his demeanor this morning reflected the lack of access to liquor and his enforced abstinence.

General William T. Sherman soon arrived and laid his saddlebag on a chair. After introductions, Sherman suggested that they discuss the matter at hand, however General Sherman stated; ” it occurred  to me that perhaps you were not over stocked with liquor, and I procured some medical stores on my way over. Will you join me before we begin work?”

Lurasidone (Latuda) over the counterBreckinridge poured himself a huge portion and gulped it down. The major general’s entire countenance changed, he became relaxed and exhibited an air of self-confidence. He had been a successful lawyer, politician and Vice President of the United States, before the war and began to hold court with the two commanding Generals, attempting to dazzle both, with his eloquence, knowledge of constitutional and international law, charm and persuasiveness.

Sherman had just about heard enough from this Major General. He pushed his chair back from the table and remarked; “See here, gentlemen, who is doing this surrendering anyhow?If this thing goes on, you will have me sending a letter of apology to Jeff Davis.”

As the conference was drawing to a close, Sherman was lost in thought and retrieved the liquor from his saddlebag. Breckinridge prepared himself for another drink, but when Sherman only poured himself a glass and returned the bottle to the bag, the Major General was crest fallen and did not participate in any further discussions.

Shortly, General Sherman gathered up his papers and bags. Preparing to leave he remarked; “These terms are too generous, but I must hurry away before you make me sign a capitulation. I will submit them to the authorities in Washington and let you hear how they are received.”

General Johnston queried Breckinridge regarding his impression of Sherman. Secretary of War, John C. Breckinridge, a native of Kentucky replied, raising his voice; “General Sherman is a hog. Yes, sir, hog. Did you see him take that drink by himself, no Kentucky gentleman would ever have taken away that bottle. He knew we needed it, and needed it badly.”


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