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Visiting relatives and friends was always an adventure. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays or just dropping in, these visits could be overwhelming when, the seven ventured into another’s domicile. Where would these folks put two additional adults and five wee ones. Eventually it was decided it would be more convenient to all, if relatives and others would just come to our abode, and trough feed and enjoy our hovel and bounty.

If you care or don’t, it doesn’t really matter, but Bummer and Data Miner include here the children we celebrate on this, Bummer’s Fathers Day,

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Bummer and Data Miner’s baby girl. Sarah teaches and majored in Pyschology and Child Development. Sally presently resides with the Bummer’s on the Northern Plains and she and her soulmate, A.J. are preparing for a journey to the Upper Pennisula in Michigan.

What a great Fathers Day for Bummer and Data Miner, how lucky could two old folks be, knowing that all their children, born and raised in the Land of Moonbeam, are surviving and enjoying the fruits and blessings that this great country has to offer.

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