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how to buy Lurasidone onlineBummer’s East Tennessee kin joined the Union ranks during the Civil War, at more than a three to one ratio. Three Regiments of Cavalry, the Tennessee Second, Third and Ninth, five Regiments of Infantry, the Tennessee Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth and one Battalion of light Artillery, the Tennessee First. Most mustered in at Sevierville, Tennessee.

Some of Bummer’s relations that were represented in this Union force out of Sevier County include, nine Maples, Co. I and M , four McMahons, Co. E and M, four Atchleys, Co. M and  three Kings Co. A, B and I.

The Second Tennessee Cavalry members fought under  Col. Daniel M. Ray and saw action in 1863 at Stones River(Murfreesboro) and Chattanooga, Tennessee and also in the 1864 battles at Decatur, Alabama and Nashville, Tennessee.

The Infantry and most Mounted Infantry of Tennessee served under Sherman, Rosecrans, Sheridan and others. These troops were engaged in the battles located at Cumberland Gap, Nashville, Knoxville, McMinnville, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, the Atlanta Campaign including; Dalton, Rocky Face, Resaca, New Hope Church, Allatoona Pass, Kennesaw Mountain, Marietta, the siege of Atlanta, the campaign of the Carolinas and the capture of Wilmington, North Carolina.

Four companies of the Tennessee Fourth Mounted Infantry were organized in September 1864 and operated in specific counties to quell guerrilla unrest until August of 1865.

Casualty reports indicate; 118 Killed in Action and 442 deaths related to disease.These records do not reflect Tennessee mortality in all fields or associated commands.

Samuel McKinley “Bugler Sam” Maples of Sevierville, Tennessee, was the last living Union veteran of the Civil War in Sevier, County. Sam joined Company I of the Second Tennessee Volunteer Calvary at age 15, one of 30,000 that enlisted for the Union cause from Eastern Tennessee. According to Sam, his first bugle was destroyed and the second, “never played as good as the first.” “Bugler Sam” died a hero at the age of 95 in 1941.


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