“Fog of Politics” Issues, Dilemmas and Truth

Bummer chose to be lost in Civil War study and research during the election run-up. The “fog of politics” becomes so dense that comprehending the real issues and dilemmas facing our country is impossible. What is the truth? Who knows, no one will give a straight answer. Machine politics and the media has warped America’s ability to rationally choose. The financial cliff, the wars, terrorism, taxation, borders, entitlements, partisan bickering and of course the candidates image and stance on these issues is an impenetrable mind-swamp, to say the least.

Bummer believed that any candidate that did not appeal to the young, minority and disenfranchised voter would fail at the poles. This is not hindsight, this is personal experience from a first voting adventure in 1972.

Reflecting on several second term presidencies of the past 150 years the “fog of politics”and calamity played a major role in the failed efforts of these politicians.

Most presidents are obsessed with how history will perceive and sometimes compare their tenure. President Obama has entertained current historians, authors, academics and presidential biographers at the White House, in order to get their advise on how best to frame his presidential image for posterity.

Bummer’s father use to say, “suit up and show up, first things first, do what’s in front of you and play the hand you’re dealt.”

History will reflect what President Obama really does, rather than what he believes others think he should do.

Did Bummer Vote?

You Bet!


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