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how to buy Lurasidone onlineGeneral George Thomas, was considered by many, an unsung Union hero or was the “Rock of Chickamauga,” just too slow, in comparison to Sherman and Grant. General Thomas was a career Army gentleman, not a political appointee and did not gain influence, prestige and promotion through contacts in Washington. Thomas could have leveraged his family’s influence, but chose to fail or succeed on his own merit. As a true officer and a gentleman, he relied on a written and rigid military code of ethics and protocol, dictating respect and personal honor. Several times during his Army tenure, Thomas refused promotion, citing seniority and military dictates. General Thomas’ reputation as a plodding and unresponsive commander has over shadowed his innate genius of calculating, orchestrating and a coordination of logistics, strategy, contingency and manuever.

George Henry Thomas, was born in 1816, a native of Virginia, he grew up on a large plantation and his father owned many slaves. His earliest memories are of hiding in the woods during the Nat Turner slave rebellion. However, it is said that he taught several of his father’s slaves to read, which was strictly forbidden in Virginia. The slave rebellion of 1831, impacted the young Thomas’ mindset, regarding the slavery issue and he felt reviled at the peculiar institution for the rest of his life. George Thomas, accepted an appointment to the Military Academy at West Point and graduated in 1840, his roommate being William T. Sherman. His first posting was in Florida, during the 2nd Seminole War and his commanding officer related, “I never knew him to be late or in a hurry. All his movements were deliberate, his self-possession was supreme…” Thomas experienced battle under General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War and performed admirably, breveted captain and then major. After hostilities ceased, Thomas was assigned as the Artillery and Cavalry instructor at West Point, under Superintendent Robert E. Lee. While traveling to New York, George Thomas accidentally fell while boarding a train and severely strained his back, delegating him to an agony that plagued his walking for his remaining years.

As Major Thomas was finishing a tour in the Southwest, combating Native-Americans, he returned home on leave, only to find the nation on the verge of a Civil War. He received many offers of commissions in the Confederate Army, but Thomas’ unswerving loyalty to his country, in spite of his Virginia heritage, created dissention in his family that would linger for years to come. One stellar student, J.E.B. Stuart, a fellow Virginian wrote his wife,  “I would like to hang, hang him as a traitor to his native state.” Many questioned Thomas’ loyalty, because of his southern heritage and without political support in Washington, his leadership roles were questioned and ridiculed.

where to buy Lurasidone onlineMajor Thomas overcame the suspicions of his loyalty to the Union cause and attained rapid promotion in secondary leadership roles. As a Colonel, he commanded tactical roles in the Battles at Mill Springs, Shiloh, Corinth, Perryville, Stones River and prior to the Battle at Chickamauga, Thomas was promoted to Brigadier General. Confederate General Braxton Bragg forced the retreat of Rosecran’s troops to Chattanooga, however Thomas covered the retreat until darkness and a lack of ammunition forced an orderly and strategic withdrawal, earning his nickname, “The Rock of Chickamauga.”

General Grant replaced the reeling General Rosecrans, with Thomas and soon “The Rock’s” troopers stormed Missionary ridge and routed the encircling Confederate forces of General Bragg. With Grant commanding in the East and Sherman in the west, General Thomas commanded the Army of the Cumberland and moved his Army north in order to defend Franklin and Nashville from the Confederate Army of General John B. Hood. General Schofield under Thomas’ command routed Hood at Franklin and the Confederate General concentrated on Nashville.

General George Thomas took his time organizing and supplying his troops at Nashville, guaranteeing their success when they confronted Hood’s forces. General Grant and the powers in Washington, including President Lincoln, were growing impatient with the Nashville General, that Grant was describing as “just too slow.” Major General, John A. Logan was dispatched with a message from Grant to relieve Thomas and the Commanding General himself left City Point to relieve him personally. While these two were in transit, General Thomas attacked Hood’s forces with devastating results, crippling the Confederate Army beyond all repair, gaining Thomas another nom de guerre, “The Sledge of Nashville.”

It has to be remembered that General George Thomas, was an “old school” Army Officer. He didn’t believe in mixing military ambition and politics. Promotion was based on meritorious service, not on a Washington mentor. Thomas had even forsaken his family and heritage in order to honor his oath as a United States Army Officer, to protect and serve his country. Even as he was laid to rest, after a stroke at age 60, no blood relatives attended his funeral. While historians laud Grant, Sherman and Sheridan, as great Civil War leaders, General Thomas should be remembered as an Unsung Union Hero and wasn’t…. Just Too Slow.


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