Sherman Asks Lincoln.. How to Handle Jefferson Davis?

Sherman asks Lincoln how to handle Jefferson Davis. In march of 1865, General Sherman met with President Lincoln aboard the steamer, River Queen. The General had enough political leverage to accomplish many missions, but his loyalty and respect for the President and his opinions were invaluable to Sherman. It always pleased “Cump” when Lincoln included him in an interview.

General Sherman was anxious and fidgety, as only he could be, he queried Lincoln regarding his plans for the Confederate Army and Political Leaders, after their capture. The President replied that he was especially concerned for members of the Army.They needed to be returned to their farms and businesses as quickly as possible, in order to resume as normal a life as could be expected.

Sherman then popped the million dollar question. What do you want done with Jefferson Davis?

The President was thinking long and hard regarding his response to this query. As to Jeff Davis, he was not at liberty to speak his mind, but suggested that, he ought to clear out, leave the country, but it would not do for him to say so.

Lincoln then related a story that might give his answer a little more meat;

” A man once had taken the total-abstinence pledge. When visiting a friend, he was invited to take a drink, but declined, on the score of his pledge; when his friend suggested lemonade, which he accepted. In preparing the lemonade, the friend pointed to the brandy-bottle, and said the lemonade would be more palatable if he were to pour in a little brandy; when his guest said, if he could do so unbeknown to him, he would not object.”


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