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how to buy Lurasidone onlineWebb Gettysburg Hero or New York Patriot, the rest of the story of Alexander S. Webb. Several regular readers of Civil War Bummer have requested additional information regarding the post-war exploits and adventures of some of the renowned individuals detailed on this site.

Alexander Stewart Webb, was married to  Anna Elizabeth Remsen, in 1855, they had eight children. General Webb was assigned as a lieutenant colonel to the 44th U.S. Infantry Regiment, in 1866 and the 5th U.S. Infantry Regiment, in 1869.  During his final year, he was an instructor at West Point, discharged on December 5, 1870 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He spent the next 32 years as president of the City College of New York. Alexander S. Webb was a prolific writer and historian of the Civil War his book, The Peninsula: McClellan’s Campaign of 1862, was published in 1881.

On September 28, 1891, General Webb received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his gallant leadership at the Battle of Gettysburg. He was also a follower of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States and a founder of Military Order of Foreign Wars. Two bronze statues of Webb, memorializing his bravery and courage stand in his honor, one at the City College of New York and the other at Gettysburg National Battlefield.

Webb died on February 12, 1911, in New York and is buried at West Point.  He was 75 years old.


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