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where to buy Lurasidone onlineWithin a few weeks, the Saving of Sevierville Sam became known to his kin in Sevier County, Tennessee and most mountain folk knew that, There’s No Business like Tennessee Business. Kin folk learned that Sam and his cousin had been taken prisoner by the cavalry of Confederate General Wheeler and were being held in a grove of oaks not far south of the Georgia state line. Family, friends and dozens of cousins, young and old, gathered their bed rolls, vittles, knives, shotguns and ancient muskets, preparing to trudge southwest in order to attempt a saving of Sevierville Sam. These mountain folk, took family real serious and they realized how important their timely and stealthy rescue would have to be. Success depended on secrecy and surprise. Time was of the essence and speed in their travel, would likely determine Sam’s fate.

Many of the family and friends were of the normal Sevier County size, however some had Sam’s big blood and literally towered over the rest of the liberating legion. These big’uns carried many knives, several revolvers and two long guns. Neighbors that observed them sneak out of the mountains, after dark, thought that armed giants were leaving, to seek revenge for Sam’s capture. The horde moved quickly, no food, no fires and no sleep and within two and one half days they crossed the Georgia state line, not being discovered and were about a half mile from the grove where Sam and his cousin were held captive. The mountain militia hid in a creek bottom, awaiting darkness, in order to accomplish their mission.

Sevierville Sam and his cousin, were more or less, treated like a traveling circus act by their Confederate captors, Sam’s hugeness and his diminutive cousin, were fed and watered, not bound and the only discomfort suffered was the constant questioning in regard to Sam’s gigantic frame and how many of his size lived in the mountain coves and valleys in Tennessee. General Wheeler and most of his cavalry had departed for another front and left about two dozen troopers to guard the prisoners. As the sun set and the fires sparked to life, the Confederate soldiers, threw out a couple of youngsters to watch the perimeter and settled in for the night.

Sam’s kin and neighbors had been preparing for just this opportunity. After several hours, when the Cavalry Troopers were dozing off, the mountain folk ran towards the glowing encampment, the big’uns leading the way. The stealthy travel ended with a vocal explosion of revenge, the young sentrys screamed to their comrades that an army of giants was attacking from the creek bed, the youthful soldiers, threw down their guns and ran through the camp, as boys on fire, the half asleep troopers, caught up in the confusion, fled in the direction of the youthful guards and all knew that the giants of Tennessee had come seeking revenge and the release of Sevierville Sam.

The reunion was joyous, but brief, the Tennessee mountain militia rounded up Sam, his cousin and the remaining captives and made a mad dash for their mountain homes. All of the big’uns and their comrades had accomplished the rescue, Saving Sevierville Sam and knowing full well, regarding family, There’s No Business, Like Tennessee Business!


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