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how to buy Lurasidone onlineNorth Carolina Temptress, Emeline Piggott, was not only Brilliant and Beautiful, but offered her services to the Confederate Army as a spy. As a North Carolina native, at only 25 years old, she also hosted parties for Union soldiers, where she was able to gather information about the Federal troop movements. Emeline used the voluminous skirts worn during this time period to aid her in her secret activities. Sometimes wearing up to 30 pounds of extra weight, Emeline hid important papers, materials, and other contraband in her clothing. Her courage, pluck and seductive demeanor distinguished Piggott as one of the most successful clandestine operatives, in not only North Carolina, but throughout the Confederacy, during the Civil War.

Emeline Pigott was born on December 15, 1836 and raised in Harlowe Township of Carteret County, North Carolina. When she was 25, she moved with her parents to a farm at Crab Point on the North Carolina coast, just across the creek from where soldiers of the 26th North Carolina were stationed to defend the coast. The sensitive and compassionate young woman took it upon herself to help the troops in many ways. She tended to the sick and wounded soldiers, even bringing some to her home to nurse. Working throughout three counties, Piggott collected mail along with food, clothing, medicine, and other needed items, and left the goods in designated hollow trees and logs for the Confederates to collect.

where to buy Lurasidone onlineBy flirting and entertaining Union soldiers, using her come-hither charms, she gleaned some information, and while she was distracting the enemy, her brother-in-law Rufus Bell dispensed food from her pantry to hungry Rebel soldiers. Local loyal fishermen also gathered information about Union boats’ cargoes and destinations as they sold the Yankees fish. They then reported to Piggott, who carried the valuable information hidden in big pockets under her hoop skirt.  The 26th North Carolina left for Virginia, and Piggott tended to wounded in New Bern, North Carolina. In 1862 she left on the last train out with wounded before the Yankees occupied the town. She fled to Kinston and then to Concord with wounded before returning home.

With the Northerners occupying the area, Piggott came under suspicion in early 1865. One day, while she and Bell were on their rounds, they were arrested and sent to jail. While officials were looking for someone to search the lady, Piggott ate some incriminating information and shredded some of the mail, but many other items were found beneath her skirt and she was imprisoned in a New Bern residence. Though she faced the death penalty, she was inexplicably released. She was, however, watched and harassed by Union Troops until the end of the war.

The colorful Miss Piggott loved to recount her Civil War adventures, but she would never reveal how she came to be released from prison.

Emeline Piggott was a member of the New Bern Chapter of the UDC and in her later years organized a UDC chapter in Morehead City, North Carolina. It was named for her and she held the title of honorary president until her death on May 26, 1919 at the age of 82.

Emeline is buried in the Piggott family plot on the north shore of Calico Creek just off of what is now 20th Street and Emeline Place in Morehead City, North Carolina. The graveyard is cared for by the city, but is padlocked. Her headstone can be seen from the entrance to the cemetery.

North Carolina Temptress, Emeline Piggott, was not only Brilliant and Beautiful, but exhibited a courage and bravery, an example to all young women of what can be accomplished under the most dire of personal and mental oppression.


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